Faith Builder - Woman's Deadly Disease Conquered Through Praise

A missionary to China many years ago contracted smallpox.
Smallpox back then was a death sentence. But instead of
giving up, she went to the Lord with her problem. He
gave her a vision of two baskets. One basket was full
of the test and trial, the smallpox. The other basket
contained her praise to God and that basket was only
half full. He told her the praise basket needed to be filled
with enough praises to outweigh the basket with the test and
trial. Her healing would be manifested when her praise
basket was full.

Well, she obeyed the Lord and began to praise Him.
She praised Him from her heart with song and praised
Him for His greatness and for all He had ever done for
her. She praised Him for His faithfulness to keep His word.
She praised Him for her healing . 1 Peter 2:24 says we
were healed. Jesus healed us almost two thousand
years ago. So with a sincere heart of faith toward God,
she praised and praised and praised God. After several
days of consistent praise the Lord showed her the praise
basket was full. She was completely healed of the smallpox
without one scar.

As you stand on the promises of God, release your faith
through praise toward God and see your answers